
Showing posts from June 23, 2018


Written by Timothy Okooboh                           The Artemether-lumefantrine clock Recently, there have been widespread reports regarding the ineffectiveness of Artemether-lumefantrine for the treatment of malaria infection. This treatment failure is mostly due to a poor understanding of the correct dosage interval of Artemether-lumefantrine, that is, the various times of the day the drug should be taken during the three day therapy. Below are two common case scenarios of a health care provider and patient interaction that take place in health care facilities across the world especially Sub-Saharan Africa where malaria is most prevalent. Scenario one Health care provider : Good morning madam. This is Artemether-lumefantrine 80/480 mg. It is a medicine that will take care of your malaria infection. Take one tablet when you get home and one tablet 8 hrs later. Then from tomorrow, take one tablet morning and night. Scenario two Health care provider : Go