
Showing posts from August 22, 2018


Written by Timothy Okooboh In my previous post, I explained several skin lesions such as blisters, bullae, crust etc. A sound knowledge of skin lesions is fundamental to understanding various skin infections including impetigo. You can take a few minutes to read my post on skin lesions here→ What is impetigo (also known as School Sores) It is a highly contagious bacteria skin infection that affects the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin). Because it is a skin infection of the epidermis, it is therefore a superficial skin infection. It is mainly characterized by sores, blisters or bullae on the epidermis of the skin, which later release pus that form yellowish or sometimes reddish-brown crusts on the skin. Therefore, in summary, impetigo is an epidermal bacterial blistering skin infection. Risk factors for impetigo Young children especially between the ages of 2 to 6yrs. Impetigo affects adults and older children too but it is more common amon